Join us for the 2017 Annual Meeting

The 2017 Annual Meeting will be this Sunday, February 26th, 2017.

The primary purpose of the annual meeting is to elect a vestry. 

The Parish will elect a Warden and four Vestry Members; three full terms and one partial term. The polls for vestry elections open at 10:30 am.
Nominations from the floor may be made for all positions.


* Beth Duthie is nominated for a second two-year term as Warden, ending February 2019.
* Grace Jones and Christina Maravel are nominated for 2nd three-year terms, ending February 2020.
* Laura Giustiniani is nominated for a 1st full term, ending February 2020. (Laura is currently serving a partial term).
* Catherine LaGrutta is nominated to fill the partial term, ending February 2018.

The 2017 budget and will discussed as well as the search process for finding our new priest.

Luncheon will be served and our own “Ridge Boulevard Blind Dog String Band” will be performing uplifting spiritual, folk and rock and roll music.