Q: Do I have to be a baptized Episcopalian to take part in communion?

A: Everyone is welcome at God’s table. If you are not comfortable or unable to partake in communion (host and/or wine) but would like a blessing, simply approach the communion rail and cross your arms over your heart as a sign to the priest that you would like to receive God’s blessing.

Q: Do I have to leave my pew to shake hands at the passing of the peace?

A: Only if you want to. If you prefer not to shake hands, waving is an excellent option that others will understand and respect.

Q: Is parking available?

A: Yes. Limited parking is available in our lot; please use the entrance on Ridge Blvd to access open parking spaces. If you are interested in parking your car on a long term / over-night basis, please call the office to inquire about availability.

Q: I Am recently engaged and would like to get married at Christ Church. Who do I speak to?

A: Congratulations! Please call the office to schedule an appointment with the priest to discuss the details and get your date reserved on the parish calendar.

Q: What if I don’t like coffee?

A: There is also tea and non caffeinated beverages at coffee hour, and often tasty pastries. We’d love to get to know you better and hope you will join us.

Q: What are and where do I get those blue offering envelopes?

A: The blue pledge envelopes make it easier to track annual tithes for budgeting and tax purposes. Let the priest or one of the wardens know you are interested and we will set you up with your own offering envelopes.